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Prayer Ministry
The purpose of the Prayer Ministry is to bring prayer to our fellow parishioners, family, friends, and neighbors who are in need.  We believe prayer is very powerful because we continually pray to God for His wonderful works.  The bible states that we are the intercessors for each other (James 5:16).  We feel God has called us to direct our prayers to intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ. 
Contact Dorothy Vega @ 717-253-0051.

Caring Community
If you are homebound and need a lil help at home, change a light bulb, pick-up groceries, ride to an appt., parishioners are here to help you. 
Contact Dodie Huete @ 717-816-7463.


There are parishioners who have long or short-term illness or those who cannot leave their home for different circumstances. If you are homebound, please contact Deacon Steve or the parish office so we can arrange for someone to visit and bring Holy Communion.  If you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to shut-in's,                                                              Contact Deacon Steve @ 717-816-9600. 

Respect Life
Contact Jeanette Backus @ 703-508-6981.
Food Collection
We periodically take up collections for SCCAP throughout the year.

Bereavement Luncheon
At a most sorrowful time, please be comforted in in knowing that you are welcome to have a funeral luncheon after the burial in our Lower Loyola center.  You must provide the food, dessert & drink.                                                    Please contact the parish office.
If you would like to help with luncheons, Contact Lynn Mobley @ 703-801-4592.

Knights of Columbus Council 14035   
   Please note that the K of C are an affiliate of
                     St. Ignatius of Loyola parish.
If you are a practicing Catholic man 18 years or older please check us out!  With good fellowship and commitment to Holy Mother Church and family we carry out the mission that Fr. Michael McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus started over 128 years ago. See our page under Other Information for more information and details. Contact Grand Knight Bernie Cabana @ 717-677-9344.
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